What is Cloud ERP?

Cloud ERP is a new model of ERP that runs on a vendor’s cloud platform. The cloud platform allows the ERP vendor to host the server space, rather than having your business own this hardware.IT professionals walking next to cloud based servers 

By doing so Cloud ERP systems are connected by high-speed internet networks and work with a combination of technologies.

With Cloud services, the server space becomes the priority of the vendor allowing the business to focus on their day-to-day operations.

Traditionally Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has been installed on a business’s own servers, creating more overhead and more difficulties.

Advantages of Cloud ERP

When considering using a Cloud ERP system the advantages this brings to your business are plentiful.

For starters, Cloud Based ERP software offers:

  • Better functionality than on-premise systems
  • No costs of hosting your own servers
  • More modern user interfaces
  • Near infinite ability to scale
  • More Security

Cloud-based ERPs also offer your team the ability to access any information they need wherever their work takes them.

With a Cloud ERP system there is also no need to be on the premises of your own servers, or worry about upgrades, backups, or disaster recovery.

Your business is able to not only utilize any computer to connect, but you can be in any location as well. This brings any employee the ability to access information instantly from almost any device.

Kechie ERP

When it comes to Kechie, our Cloud Based ERP solutions offer robust and scalable software with advanced features that are user-friendly and easy to implement.cloud software with latest data security

With a modern user interface based on the latest user experience technologies, our ERP couldn’t be easier to use.

Kechie Provides:

  • Software ready to use immediately
  • Latest technology in data security
  • Information from the Cloud on a real-time basis
  • Logins for easy access through your browser
  • Mobile Compatibility

Being that this is a Cloud-based ERP system, Kechie is not a platform you have to work tirelessly to build or house any equipment yourselves.

Leave the large installation and integration in the past, and make the most accurate decisions for your business needs.

Contact us today to schedule a demo or learn more about how Kechie powered by My Office Apps can take your ERP systems to the next level.