Working from Home Series

Chapter Two:  The Benefits Outweigh the Risks

employee working from homeWe know that many of you are working hard to adapt to the current coronavirus situation.  Some companies, particularly those in health, medical supplies, or food distribution business, may be faced with a very rapid increase in demand.  You are likely struggling through the logistics on how to handle it.  A great many companies are shifting to a Work-From-Home (WFH) mode for their employees.  They are learning and improvising new techniques to stay as productive as possible, even when not all together in the same office.

This current crisis will eventually pass.  Solutions in the forms of treatment protocols and vaccines will be developed to defeat the virus.  But when it is all over, companies will not just revert back to doing business the same way they did before.  Businesses will want to incorporate many of the things they learned during the crisis to be more productive, efficient, and flexible than before.   The benefits that are expected to come out of this pandemic will change the way we live and play for the better.

Benefits to Society

When millions of commuters no longer commute, traffic jams will smooth out.  The climate may improve with fewer emissions of greenhouse gasses.  Additionally, for those areas which are experiencing high housing prices, work from home will allow workers to live farther away from the main office.  Suburban areas tend to have lower housing costs.  Our future will see a reverse shift of populations in crowded cities.

Benefits to Employers

Those people who succeed in business do so because they always think several steps ahead. Strong companies will trudge through the pandemic and florish.  Flexibility sets your company up for success  Employers who were previously reluctant to allow work from home may also observe the productivity benefits and no longer object to it.  With less space required for corporate offices, smart employers will save money by downsizing square footage while receiving equal or greater productivity.

Benefits for Employees

Simply by eliminating the commute to and from the office each day, workers will have more time available.  Many will find that they achieve even higher productivity working from home because there are fewer interruptions or time-wasting meetings.  The usage of video teleconferencing software such as Cisco Webex, Zoom, or GoToMeeting is exploding and many users are downloading this software and learning to use it for the first time.  The use of other tools such as team collaboration software like Microsoft Teams and Slack is increasing as well.

The key to differentiating between a workplace fad and an economic strategy lies in the hands of the businesses. If corporate leaders throughout the world believe remote work is beneficial to the sustainability of their brand, then they’ll invest in the development of it as a resource. In other words, if there is value in telecommuting for organizations, there is value for the world.

The Kechie™ ERP solution was designed to facilitate remote work.  Based in the cloud, it can be accessed from anywhere that has an internet connection via desktop, mobile devices including smartphones and tablet computers. It is simple and intuitive to use and allows large teams to share important business data through the data bases in the system.  Relevant data from each of the modules is automatically shared so that people working in other departments can use it, if needed. No more walking over to the next aisle to ask a fellow employee what is happening.  Everything is recorded in the system.

As a business process improvement company, My Office Apps Inc. remains committed to delivering beneficial software tools to help businesses today and tomorrow.  For more information, you can visit or better yet, call us at (949) 486-1947 and ask us to schedule a demo.  Let us show you how we can solve your business challenges during this pandemic and moving forward.